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Legacy Kajigs


Most if not all of these kajigs no longer work, and are only here for legacy reasons. on slightly modern chromeOS, these will NOT work!

A repository of methods you can employ enabling you to bypass restrictions!


Limitations: Methods which are considered aggressive such as removing or damaging devices (e.g removing Enterprise Enrollment) are not allowed.

For quality purposes, only Featured kajigs will be listed here.

Current Tags:

  • Webview bypasses: kajigs that use a webview to operate
  • Extension bypasses: kajigs that allow you to manipulate extensions (adding, disabling, etc.)
  • Bookmarklets: bookmarks that run JavaScript code to do something, usually embedding proxies or similar into your current page
  • Filter bypasses: kajigs that let you get around your filters
  • Other: kajigs that do not fit in the aforementioned categories
  • Mod post: mod posts. May or may not be kajigs, read them anyways
  • Patched: these kajigs have been patched by software vendors. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE KAJIG IS UNUSABLE. For example, see "Chrome100 - Downgrade your Chrome OS"
  • Featured: Extraordinary kajigs (chosen by mods)
  • chromeOS: chromeOS specific kajigs
  • Windows: Windows specific kajigs
  • macOS: macOS specific kajigs
  • Mobile: Mobile specific kajigs

Prevent Tab Close (GoGuardian, etc.)

This is a really old exploit that originates all the way back to 2017/2018. Essentially it prevents your tab from being closed in the most simple way. Use as needed.

javascript: onbeforeunload = (i) => 1;

Paste the above in a bookmark and run it on whatever tab you want to prevent force closing!

Tab Disguise

Disguises the icon and name of the tab you're on with the icon and name given in the code

Setup: Create a bookmark, copy the provided code and paste it in as the URL (name it whatever you want).

javascript: (function () {
var link =
document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") ||
link.type = "image/x-icon";
link.rel = "shortcut icon";
link.href =
document.title = "My Drive - Google Drive";

Alternatively, you can use this code to update the disguise every second (same setup)

javascript: function gcloak() {
var link =
document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") ||
link.type = "image/x-icon";
link.rel = "shortcut icon";
link.href =
document.title = "My Drive - Google Drive";
setInterval(gcloak, 1000);

The 2 scripts given use a Google Drive disguise as an example, but they can be customized

  • To change the favicon, replace the link in line 4 with your own image link
  • To change the title, replace the text in the ''s on line 5 with your own title
  • To change the timing, replace the number in line 9 with your own timing (in milliseconds) ge link.href to change the favicon/logo.

Porta Proxy (Hapara)

Allows you to access a given site within other tabs; bypasses Hapara

Setup: Create a bookmark, copy the provided code and paste it in as the URL (name it whatever you want).

var a,b,c;c="WEBSITE HERE",
b.setAttribute("style","position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 99999999999; background-color: #fff;"),

To close the Porta Proxy, create another bookmark with this code:

javascript: var element = document.getElementById("rusic-modal"); element.parentNode.removeChild(element);

In order to use Porta-Proxy, you must supply your own proxy website link in the bookmarklet; you put the link inside the quotation marks that read "WEBSITE HERE", and you have to include https://

Permanently Remove Extensions (Past v106)

Credits: CoolElectronics

This exploit is currently the most flexible and effective method in TN right now as a result of the bounty made by luphoria. Criteria was to simply bypass the Enterprise Policy ArcEnabled: false but resulted in a much more effective exploit in the end.

This exploit details another way to permanently delete extensions. Once done, you can update or restart your chromebook and the extensions will stay gone until you powerwash.

You need a usb for downgrading, and rudimentary knowledge of bash is recommended.


Downgrade to any version below 103. Instructions are in "Chrome100 - Downgrade your Chrome OS".

Hit ctrl alt t to open a crosh window. If it’s blocked by extensions, use LTBEEF. If it’s policy blocked (“The person who set up this computer has chosen to block this site”) you can try downgrading to a version below 90, where crosh had a different URL Type in set_cellular_ppp \';bash;exit;\' and hit enter.

You now have access to a bash shell, logged in as chronos. More information about the permissions of this shell is at the bottom.

Type rm -rf ~/Extensions/*. THIS WILL BREAK EVERY EXTENSION ON YOUR CHROMEBOOK. If there are extensions you want to keep, they can be selectively removed by ID.

Run chmod 000 ~/Extensions. This marks the extension folder as read only, stopping it from updating in the future or any new extensions from being installed.

You can now restart chrome, allowing it to update to the latest version. Once rebooted onto the latest version, all removed extensions will have the default icon and won’t function at all

If you would like Root Access, go to Root Escalation

You can also run set_cellular_ppp \'chmod 777 ~/Extensions;rm -rf ~/Extensions;mkdir ~/Extensions;chmod 000 ~/Extensions;echo done;exit\' in crosh to do it all in one step

Root Escalation

Have the ability to run developer mode content, enable developer mode, bypass pretty much everything with one exploit. Will require the downgrade methods.

Has so many branches that I’m just going to link the Kajig discussion. Check the pins in the TN Discord server.


Functions like LTBEEF, the GUI based exploit which Bypassi originally lead for disabling extensions. However unlike the Bypassi based exploit, swamp still remains unpatched on versions post v102 up to even v107.

This will allow you to:

  • Disable force-installed extensions similarly to LTBEEF even on Chrome 107 where it's patched
  • Run bookmarklets on any page even when they are blocked
  • Break GoGuardian until powerwash (or until you choose to turn it back on)
  • Run a custom DNS to block network requests without actually being on a DNS
  • Run your own custom code with access to most of the chrome API

KIOSK Exploit (DE-LICENSED) (Original):

Although many variations of this exploit exist, this was the very original implementation of it. However, the process never went as far or flexible as a full Chrome browser window being able to be created out of this method rather than just a simple bypass within the KIOSK app.

Credits to B3AT and Divide for this exploit.

This exploit allows you to open an unrestricted Chrome instance within a kiosk app, i.e. with the kiosk user account permissions.


  • Any kiosk app installed
  • [for v77<=x<=v85] OOBE/fresh install
  • Sign out
  • Turn Wi-Fi off
  • Enable ChromeVox (ctrl+alt+z)
  • Open a kiosk app
  • Spam Search+o+k (you do have to re-click o and k)
  • While spamming click "Diagnose"

Note: The exploit should work consistently v76 or below but it's still possible to pull off on v85 or below, but only once (right after you powerwash).

UserPolicy Bypass:

This should enable ARC (Play Store) and unblock all policy blocked URLs.

When you connect to a wifi without the custom DNS the policy will reload to normal but some changes will persist, more testing is needed. This is useful because most root exploits require ARC in some form.

You need:

  • The ability to downgrade to a version below 102
  • A way to access crosh. If it's blocked via extension, use LTBEEF. If it's blocked by user policy, you must use a combination of Incognito Exploit (v81) and Crosh Bypass (Daybreak)
  • A router or hotspot capable of either blocking websites via parental control or setting a custom DNS (


  • Downgrade to a version
  • Open crosh (ctrl+alt+t)
  • Elevate to a chronos shell by typing in set_cellular_ppp ';bash;exit'
  • Run the command sh <(curl -k & disown
  • Remove your school account, log out or just clear it in any way you can. The method varies depending on how device policy is set up.
  • In your router settings, set the DNS to or block (NOT THE NETWORK DNS ON THE CHROMEBOOK, IT WONT WORK; ROUTER!)

[EXTRAS]: personalDNSfilter and hotspot or DNS Sinkhole + Hotspot on iOS can be used; NextDNS

  • Log into your school account

Results should prompt you about a PIN and Google Play then drop you into an account where everything works as normal but no user policies are set. If you get a "sign in required" error, try steps again.

LTBEEF - Disable ANY Extension

LTBEEF is an incredibly powerful exploit which can be utilized to disable any extension, including GoGuardian, Securly, Lightspeed, ....

Credits to Bypassi and CompactCow.


Option A - GUI Based

javascript: fetch("").then((data) => {
data.text().then((text) => {

Click it once (not on a new tab) to get to the correct webstore page, then again to open the UX.

Option B - if Option A doesn't load

javascript: prompt("Extension IDs here: (seperated by commas)")
.forEach((i) => {, !1);

If bookmarklets are disabled:

  • Set your DNS to the following:
  • Visit chrome://restart
  • Visit
  • You should see a warning. Click on the warning symbol (⚠️) and type thisisunsafe.
  • You should see a simple interface which lets you enable and disable your extensions.

History Deletion #2 (v106+)



  • Make sure you're synced to google chrome or else it won't work, as you need to be able to access
  • Go to
  • Press "clear data" at the bottom
  • Sign out of your account and remove the account from the device
  • Sign back in and history should be gone

Downgrade your Chrome OS (Chrome100)

This provides a basic tool required for many exploits as a prerequisite.

Chrome100 is a website which enables you to download old versions of Chrome OS for your Chromebook. Old versions may have vulnerabilities which are now patched; thus, these old Chrome OS images are essential for many exploits!

Maintained by Divide

Ingot Extension Removal (DNS)

  • Go to the settings then click the Wi-Fi you are on.
  • Scroll down to where it says Network, click on that then select Nameservers
  • Select Custom Nameservers and in the four prompts enter
  • Go to a new tab and in the url bar type and run chrome://restart (this will restart your Chromebook without signing you out)
  • Go to a new tab and search If that doesn't work try
  • Type thisisunsafe and the GUI will load.


Unblocked DevTools/Flags (ADVANCED)

This is a guide on how to use chrome launch options and a thread for discussing exploits related to the bash shell. I have been requested to make this several times

First of all, you will need some knowledge of bash, and you must know how to use vi.

This builds off of Permanently Remove Extensions (past v106).

Follow the instructions there, and stop once you have the bash shell.

  • Run cd ~/Downloads
  • Run vi to create a new shell file.
  • In this shell file, put the line pkill -9 chrome
  • After that, head over to chrome:version, and next to "command line options:" copy the entire really long thing
  • Paste it into vi as a new line.

Now you can add whatever launch options you want! these are like the flags in chrome:flags, but there are way more available.

The full list is here:

Some notable ones are: --force-devtools-available (devtools), --bwsi (guest mode), --kiosk(useless but funny), --oauth-client-id(breaks policy updating and profile syncing), --disable-extensions-except, --show-login-dev-overlay/--show-oobe-dev-overlay, --enable-hangout-services-extension-for-testing(adds a bunch of useless extensions), and more.

To execute chrome with the launch options set, exit vi (impossible), and run sh <(cat & disown

IStealYourDNS (DNS)

IStealYourDNS is a TitaniumNetwork-partnered service. With it, you can seamlessly block many web filters (GoGuardian, Lightspeed, ...) and never think about bypassing filters ever again.


To install it, simply open your Wi-Fi's DNS settings, and set the name servers to "Custom" - replace any options available with If you have multiple boxes, set the last one to

Then, simply restart and you're done!

Better DNS Bypass (DNS)

  • Know the credentials of your School's WIFI or utilize a hotspot
  • Go to chrome:policy and Ctrl+F for deviceopennetworkconfig; click show more
  • Edit the attached ONC, changing the GUID to the guid in the policy and the security to the security in the json; same with the name, SSID, and finally change the passphrase to the password
  • Import the ONC in chrome:network#general
  • Go to Wi-Fi settings as normal and the DNS shouldn't be blocked


Get Proton VPN on Chromebooks

  • Create or log into a proton VPN account

  • Once you have an account go to - account > OpenVPN / IKEv2 username
  • Copy the username and password
  • Unzip the files and choose any server that you want to use (like us-19 or s/t)
  • Edit it in the Text editor app (it's a built-in chrome app on Chromebook) or any other text editor
  • All the way at the end, after "TLSAuthContents": "-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- put in
"Username": "(Put your username here)",
"Password": "(Put your password here)"

You can just copy and paste it and you'll get the right formatting.

Make sure that you start the paste right after the end quotation mark.

  • Save the onc file
  • Upload it to chrome://network#general all the way at the bottom where it says Import ONC File (don't worry if you don't notice anything, just try scrolling down a little more and it should say Networks imported: 1 (regardless of how many you actualy imported)

Incognito Exploit (v81)

This is the first Licensed exploit to be declassified as a Kajig!

This still needs to be improved.

Make sure to downgrade to chrome OS v81 or lower first: "Chrome100 - Downgrade your Chrome OS"

Steps to the Incognito Exploit, summarized

(Steps before include getting on the login screen to the part where you are signing in as a new user. Enter your email and password but don't login. Do Alt + Shift + I. Continue to Step 1 where you spam "Privacy Policy".)

  • Follow the steps but once it gets to the "Privacy Policy" part, spam it for a minute or 30 seconds (until its very laggy)
  • Once you login go quickly to the Incognito Tab and do Ctrl+Shift+N
  • Do the Switch/Desktop View key and close the original Incognito Tab
  • If it continues to open policy pages, repeat Step 3.


  • No extensions so you won't have to worry about anything being blocked by an extension.
  • Access to a fully unrestricted YouTube.
  • Ability to sign into other google accounts. (if blocked)
  • Be able to access the majority of chrome:// urls if they were blocked by policy.
  • Get past policy blocks. (Untested fully but certain sites that were blocked by policy were unblocked for me.)
  • Use flags to further experiment with you chromebook. Applies to chrome:// urls being unblocked.
  • Access to an "experimental" unblocked chrome. (Called experimental as it is both restricted and not restricted.)

Possible Errors (you may encounter):

  • When importing an onc file, crash.
  • Don't go to chrome://os-settings or try to view Settings from the Incognito tab.
  • Restarting to modify flags will close the tab, however the effects will be applied when you restart.
  • When importing an extension (unpacked or entire crx), you will encounter the error "not allowed on login screen"

The following exploit is still a massive WIP and the following above may be subject to change or expand.

Process End Method

  • Open Task Manager
  • Press 'search'+'esc'
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom and find your blocker extension and highlight it (click on it)
  • Click 'End Process' it or press 'enter'
  • Immediately go to your page and see that it's unblocked
  • This will not last unless you use this bookmarklet javascript:onbeforeunload=i=>1

If Task Manager is blocked:

  • Go to chrome-extension:// + your Extension ID + /_generated_background_page.html
  • You can find the Extension ID by going to the puzzle piece, clicking on the 3 dots next to your filter and click manage extension and the is will be in the url
  • The link for GoGuardian is chrome-extension://haldlgldplgnggkjaafhelgiaglafanh/_generated_background_page.html
  • Change the URL to chrome://kill (I recommend making it a bookmark (if your school blocked bookmarklets this one will still work))


  • Download personalDNSfilter from the link
  • Install it on phone
  • Open the app
  • Click on the box beside DNS
  • Check the Disable DNS server discovery
  • Remove all dns ip
  • Set it to one of these choices:

DNS Servers:


  • wifi network + usb tethering
  • cellular network + hotspot
  • cellular network + hotspot app

You may need to update the DNS servers on your current phone WIFI network.

Stealth (Lightspeed)

This trick is specifically for when your chromebook is "locked" by a teacher, and any site you go to will get closed instantly. It can also hide the tab from the teachers and get around the "[teacher's name] has blocked this site" screen.

The way it works is by letting you put an iframe inside of the new tab window, where most chrome extensions don't have permission. This means that if a page is "temporarily blocked" by a teacher or they lock your chromebook you can still access almost every page that works in an iframe. I don't know what it shows up as on the teacher screen, but they likely will just see the new tab and not the actual site.

  • Set your default search engine to bing

  • Open a new tab

Use this bookmarklet:

javascript:document.write(`<style> iframe{margin:0px; border:none; padding:0px; outline:none} body{margin:0px}</style><iframe src = "${prompt("enter url")}" width = ${window.innerWidth} height = ${window.innerHeight} />`)

Enter a url that you want to visit.


  • This only works if bookmarklets are enabled
  • Works ONLY with Lightspeed

Playstore Bypass (v106+)

Make sure you are upgrading or powerwashing/recovering. Chrome Device Manager's notification should appear otherwise this will not work.


  • Literally just log out/shutdown/restart when the Chrome Device Manager notif appears. LOCKING DOES NOT WORK.
  • Open PlayStore and keep it open. Try to download some apps. Fiddle around with it. Don't switch accounts as that might lock you out.

Add accounts in settings -> your school account name -> add account. You don't need to go to Android settings and shouldn't!

EASIER GUIDE After Powerwash, Recovering, removing account and adding it back in:

  • The moment Chrome Device Manager pops up ( 💼 ) do chrome://restart
  • After that open Google Play and switch to your home account

GoGuardian Discord Unblock

This only works for Discord and Youtube.

Type 1


Open this in a new tab.

Type 2

Bookmark and open this in a new tab.''+'e'.repeat(16384));

killcurly (Securly, v107+):

RIP Cookie Dough to leaking. Regardless here is another exploit related to bypassing Securly.

  • Visit chrome://settings/signOut (the O must be capital) and click the blue button. If this is "blocked_by_administrator", DM SprinkzMC#8421 for an alternate URL.
  • Visit chrome://restart. Alternatively, you can go to the Securly details in chrome://extensions and click "Allow access to file URLs" or just use chrome://kill on one of its extension pages. Securly will now reload and be broken.
  • Go to and add your school account back (personal accounts may even work for some people). This has to be repeated each time you sign out of your computer. Feel free to test this for other extensions too.